




With ongoing attacks on reproductive and sexual health rights and high occurrences of gender-based violence, if you feel that human rights for women and girls are needed now more than ever, you are not alone. Fortunately, recent trends have demonstrated that we are living in one of the most life changing eras in history. Driven by intersectional feminism and growing grassroots movements around gender equality like #metoo, a more socially driven world is at our fingertips. 

The Birth Talks is a Femmy award winning podcast that inspires listeners to make the world a better place for women by sharing vibrant feminist pregnancy, birth and parenting stories. 

The podcast gives listeners the lowdown on how gender, race, sex, sexuality, class and life experiences affect pregnancy, birth and parenting. Each episode offers listeners inspirational stories, insights, and different perspectives on the lived experiences of women and girls across diverse communities. The 30 minute episodes are hosted by midwife Trish Frempong and and produced by reproductive and sexual health rights advocate Mai Ngo and features non-traditional and cutting edge perspectives from Canadian reproductive justice activists, experts, professionals and community members. 



Our Hosts

Our Hosts

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I often navigate to behind-the-scenes work, so it should be no surprise how much I hesitate to be in the spotlight. But it is the desire to improve reproductive justice and access to equitable care that has inspired me to take on the role of hosting this podcast.

I enjoy facilitating and being part of the conversations that spark thought and create change. Since childhood, I have been told that I would regularly challenge injustices, always asking “why” and demanding change. As I continue my work as a midwife, I can also be found on a number of Committees and Boards at any given time. I’m so excited to see what we talk about next!

MAI NGO (producer and former host)

"Every person has a right to self-determine - to choose their own path, their own way, their own decisions."

My grandmother gave birth to my dad in the hidden foliage of the jungle during the Vietnam War, without any support. My mom at 23, laboured with me in the hospital, with the support of an epidural and the nurse. My own experience with giving birth has been at a hospital and at home. Each birth story is so different and unique. It is the diversity of these stories that compels me to this work. My path as a birth professional comes from my commitment to gender, reproductive justice, stories and community. 

I am a certified birth doula (CBI) based and studying to become a midwife and childbirth educator. I have practiced since 2013 and have served families of all shapes, styles and sizes. I am trained to support the full spectrum of pregnancy and survivors of sexual abuse.

I hope the podcast nourishes your curiosity and encourages you to think outside the box. What if the power of informed choice is not accompanied by the social systems and supports required? Whose perspectives are missing from health care? Why are the outcomes of some births filled with fear and trauma? These are only some of the many questions we will engage with. Thank you for joining me on this journey! 



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